As I was stitching the Star of Chios, I wondered what I should do with it. Usually, I have a plan. After making my Avlea embroidery box, which I obsessively planned, I wanted to make a project exactly from the chart, with all of the exact colors, finished exactly like the example. Well, that didn't happen.
Here's the embroidery, prior to finishing:
And here she is from behind:
For some reason, I decided to stitch the gold border all the way around the perimeter of the central motif and left off the little floral motifs. I keep thinking of Kermit the Frog singing "it isn't easy being green!" I'm not a green person if there's much yellow in it. I prefer my greens on the blue side. So I minimized the green. I could have changed it had I not resolved to stitch everything as mandated, but by the time I realized the green wasn't "my" green, I thought it would do more harm than good to change it. The little frog singing in my head couldn't convince me to rip out stitches that were just fine.
I wanted a fat little pillow for impromptu naps or to nuzzle in the small of the back. This embroidery is on the small side, so it seemed like a good choice to make an otherwise obligatory pillow somewhat fancy. And we like fat pillows in our house, so I keep a bunch of extra pillow stuffing around to plump up the kinda wimpy pillows they sell at the not so great chain fabric store which will remain without a name. So I got one of those skinny pillow inserts and fattened it up.
Here she is, in all of her plump happiness:
I think she'll make a nice companion, and she's already making friends with her big sister Olivine.
Love it! -- Actually both of them. I'm still hoping to someday do a pillow. <sigh> I like your adaptation of the pattern, too. It's truly striking and creates a 3D effect of a translucent frame.